Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Danger beeing overweight

What's overweight
There's many way to classified whether a person is obese, overweight or perhaps underweight. One tof them is Body Mass Index or BMI. Health practitioners say that weighing more than 20% above the range is obese, while "overweight" is less than 20% (but a number above 25 on Body Mass Index). While being obese is associated with greater complications, being overweight can hold an equal number of dangers.

Danger of being Overweight

  1. Being overweight have a bigger risk of getting a heart disease
    This is because the more weight you got, the body will also increasing your fat intake. Naturally, the body maintains a steady level of water, carbs, fat, and protein, along with vitamins and minerals. A higher overall fat concentration increases sodium levels and ups cholesterol and triglyceride fats in your bloodstream. This consequence is especially bothersome because HDL cholesterol, a known risk-reducer of heart disease, is replaced by "bad cholesterol.” The end result can be coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attacks.

    Another cause is because excessive weight incrasing blood pressure, and that will make your heart work harder. An extra scary consequence of extra weight is an increased probability of angina-related chest pains and "sudden death" heart attacks (coming without earlier symptoms).

  2. Being overweight causes cancer
    Hormones are the key link between an obese person and an risk of cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that concluded that virtually all forms of cancer are more prevalent in people with a higher body mass. Body mass wasn't only linked to new cancer cases; it was also linked to cancer survival rates, which were lower for heavier people. To solidify this argument, The New England Journal of Medicine also pointed out that 15% of cancer deaths were tied to being overweight.

    These statistics are alarming, but how exactly does excessive weight cause cancer? There are continuing studies on the issue, but here's what we do know: With increased body weight, the adipose fat tissue can offset the body's natural hormonal balance, making the body an easier host for tumors. Cancer is also related to the placement of fat on the body. For example, a high amount of abdominal fat carries a greater risk of colon cancer, and obesity-linked gastric reflux increases the chances of esophageal cancer.

  3. Being overweight causes diabetes
    As the number of overweight people continues to climb, so does diabetes. At present, there are more than 75 million Americans who either have diabetes already or have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes. While being overweight can result in further complications for people with Type I and Type III diabetes, it can be a direct cause of Type II diabetes. Type II is typified by insulin resistance, and your chances of developing the disease are based on risk factors like how overweight you are, how long you've been that way and where your body deposits fat.

    Body weight and the onset of Type II diabetes share a link based on the interaction of fat cells and insulin. The cells in your body need insulin to bring them glucose, but fat cells are more resistant to insulin, leaving an unnecessarily high level of glucose in the bloodstream and not providing enough energy for the cells that need them. In essence, the fat is zapping your energy and eventually, the body becomes totally resistant to insulin.

    Luckily, the American Diabetes Association states that with 150 minutes of exercise each week and a 5-7% body weight reduction, you can lower your risk of developing diabetes by 58%. This is encouraging news, but the link between being overweight and Type II diabetes must not be ignored.

  4. Being overweight causes strokes
    Strokes remain among the top five leading causes of death. When there’s an interruption in the brain's blood supply, what follows is an immediate life-threatening risk to the person in question. While there are many other risk factors in play, strokes have also been linked directly to obesity and being overweight, specifically where body mass is concerned. The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study showing that people who are overweight by 20% or less carry a 50% increased probability of suffering a stroke. The study also explained that being more than 20% overweight carried a risk that was twice as high.

So, put your running shoes, and start cut your fat won't you.

picture by good_day

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